Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Today and every day, it is essential to remind ourselves that the Earth is our only home, so we must treat it with kindness. The Earth doesn't belong to us; we belong to the Earth. 

Although the past year came with many hardships, we need to appreciate the positive impacts lockdown had on our environment. As transportation and industries closed down, there was a sudden drop in greenhouse gas emissions and reduced levels of air pollution. During this time, the primary industrial sources of pollution were minimized drastically, reducing water pollution. 

While we take a look at some of these positive impacts that lockdown has had on our environment, it is also essential that we look into the future and how we can further contribute to making the Earth a happy and healthy place.

Here are some ways that you can celebrate Earth Day and give back to our beautiful world:

  • Go for a nature walk.

    • Take in all the natural beauties of the world surrounding us. Take a moment to step outside and breathe in the fresh air while enjoying the sunset. Take some pictures to be reminded of all our world has to offer, and bring a small trash bag with you to pick up any litter you might see.

  • Bring reusable shopping bags.

    • On your next trip to the store, bring reusable bags instead of taking a bag from the store (plus you'll save 10 cents!)

  • Start recycling.

    • Designate a bin for recycling papers, cans, and glass in your home. You can also reuse glass and plastic jars as containers to store food or liquids.

  • Watch a nature-related documentary.

    • Some suggestions available on Netflix are Our Planet, Night on Earth: Shot in the Dark, Oceans, Chasing Coral, A Plastic Ocean, and Blackfish.

  • Purchase a zero-waste product.

    • Purchasing zero-waste products are simple ways to reduce your waste (and they are often much cuter too!) Some good zero-waste products to invest in are reusable straws and water bottles, bamboo toothbrushes, reusable face towels, soap bars, and toothpaste pellets.

  • Avoid purchasing from fast fashion brands.

    • Fast fashion has many negative impacts on our environment. Producing apparel uses massive amounts of water and energy. Also, it usually leads to the depletion of non-renewable sources and the emission of greenhouse gases.

  • Participate in clean-ups.

    • Look into group clean-ups that are local to your area.

  • Go meatless.

    • If you can, try going meatless. By incorporating vegetarian foods into your diet, we can reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.

There are so many other ways that you can contribute and celebrate. Get creative, get out, and appreciate our home!







Wellness Tips from our Wellness Specialist

Spring Motivation

April means warmer weather, more sunshine, and plenty of time to focus on you! Take this spring weather as an opportunity to center your attention on your health and wellness. There is no better time than now to make the most out of your spring semester. Here are some tips on how to take advantage of the spring weather and be the best you:

  • Get outside whenever you can → whether it is a walk or just sitting outside, the fresh air and sunshine will be a huge benefit in your life!

  • Focus on your schoolwork → after passing the midpoint of the semester, now is the perfect time to push yourself to do your best in school and finish out the semester strong.

  • Plan a new workout routine → nothing is better than a new workout routine in the warmth of the sunshine! Try to incorporate workouts that you can do outside into your new routine.

  • Take the time to clear your headspace → prioritize the important things in your life. Relax, and make sure you are focusing on yourself.


-Erin Michalcewiz, Wellness Specialist

ADPi Birthdays


Happy Birthday to our sisters with April birthdays!

Jill Canavari — April 4th

Sami Dichter — April 4th

Lauren Stetson — April 6th

Aliya Curran — April 7th

Lauren Butscher — April 10th

Grace Fenlin — April 10th

Erin Michalcewiz — April 11th

Melanie Markowitz — April 13th

Madison Casey — April 15th

Alyssa Deonarine — April 16th

Aimee Morin — April 20th

Becky Kazenoff — April 20th

Amy Wegrzyniak — April 23rd

Julia Burk — April 25th

ADPi Birthdays


Happy Birthday to our sisters with March birthdays!

Laney Crosley — March 6th

Alison Ungerleider — March 7th

Melissa Brutzman — March 11th

Molly Sodicoff — March 18th

Jill Hopkins — March 20th

Peyton Grogan — March 20th

Ellie Collins — March 21st

Liz Monigle — March 21st

Lauren LaMantia — March 21st

Kim Raines — March 22nd

Marley Yakim — March 24th

Madi Pepe — March 25th

Marissa Maffei — March 29th

Sarah Dente — March 31st

Wellness Tips from our Wellness Specialist

New Semester, Fresh Start!

We are finished with recruitment and finally getting a handle on the spring semester! As we relax after the craziness that was recruitment, it is time to switch our focus. We are now in March, and the first exams and major assignments are coming up quickly. Make sure to take time for yourself and be as healthy and safe as you can be. Self-care is so important when school is getting busier. Here are some tips as the spring semester gets into full swing:

  • Make a to-do list → write out your upcoming assignments or virtual events to ensure you are on time for everything.

  • Get a planner → Planners are one of the best ways to organize your to-do list.

  • Find study buddies → sisters are a great resource to get help in your classes. Reach out to sisters in your classes or older sisters who have taken that class before.

  • Stay healthy! →It is super important to stay healthy during this semester. Focus on your health and safety.

  • Focus on yourself → schedule spots in your planner for time for yourself. Self-care is so important during these busy times. Go for a walk or meditate, anything to focus on yourself!


-Erin Michalcewiz, Wellness Specialist

Sisterhood Spotlight

Sisterhood Spotlight: Abby Cirincione


“From the day I met Abby when we were little freshman she's brought me nothing but laughs and good vibes. When I joined ADPi I was so excited that I finally got to her call her my sister! We have been through it all from intro bio to organic chem to physics and she's the embodiment of "work hard play hard," inspiring me to always do my best and have fun while doing it!”

-Lauren Rechner

Wellness Tips from our Wellness Specialist

Recruitment Tips!

Recruitment is one of the most exciting parts of the year but can also be the most stressful. With recruitment, a new semester, and the continuing unpredictability of the pandemic all fast approaching, we must focus on our health and wellbeing. Whichever side of recruitment you are on, here are some tips to keep in mind as you navigate the busy month of February:

  • Spend time away from your computer/phone → with everything being virtual, it is exhausting to look at a screen continually. Make sure to give yourself a break. Go outside, or even close your eyes—anything to get away from the screen for a minute.

  • Keep track of your schedule → make sure you are on the right zoom calls! It may be helpful to write out your daily and weekly schedule.

  • Focus on the necessities → nothing is more critical during recruitment than being the healthiest you can be. Keep water with you to stay hydrated, and make sure you are getting enough sleep every night.

  • Have fun! → Recruitment is one of the best parts of the year, so make sure you are having fun!

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-Erin Michalcewiz, Wellness Specialist

ADPi Birthdays


Happy Birthday to our sisters with February birthdays!

Josie St. Claire — February 2nd

Elli Haskes — February 5th

Teagan Hedman — February 12th

Emma Blancher — February 15th

Alli Viscardo — February 16th

Bridget Lawlor — February 22nd

10 Days Left!

10 Days Left to Sign Up for Formal Recruitment!


The countdown finally begins! There are ten days left to register for formal recruitment! Becoming a member of Alpha Delta Pi has been a highlight of our college experience, and we encourage you to Go Greek and find your forever home.

“I went Greek because I wanted to find a sisterhood that supports me and encourages me to be my most authentic self. I am so lucky to have found that in ADPi and this chapter has brought me friendships that will last a lifetime!” -Natalie Hamilton, Vice President of Marketing

Sign up for Formal Recruitment Here:

We look forward to meeting you all soon!

Involvement & Leadership

Jordyn Lebovits — Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) Lab


“I work in the Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) Lab here at the University of Delaware. ABC is a parent-child treatment approach designed to help parents provide the best quality care they can for their children. Most of our parent participants have experienced some early childhood adversity such as neglect, drug abuse, growing up in a low socioeconomic household, having parents in prison, etc. Specifically, the intervention aims to teach these traumatized caregivers how to correctly nurture their distressed children, follow the lead of their children, and avoid frightening behaviors towards their children, so that they can provide their kids with better childhoods than they had themselves. There are many different working parts to the lab, but I work as an ANS technician. What that means is that I place electrodes on parents and infants to monitor and record their heart rates and their blood flow. Depending on which stage of the intervention the participants are on, they complete specific tasks as I record this physiological data behind a one-way mirror. Some tasks involve just the child, some only the parent, and some both the child and the parent together. I love working in this lab because, as a nursing major, I really enjoy helping people, and I truly feel like the ABC Lab makes a direct impact on people’s lives!”

Sisterhood Spotlight

Sisterhood Spotlight: Amy Wegrzyniak


“Amy is someone that will always have your back. She is there when you need it most and always knows how to put you in a better mood. She will not only pick you up when you fall but she will stay with you till you are ready to walk alone. Amy is the best “mom” I could have ever asked for and an even better best friend”

-Julia Cipollini

Wellness Tips from our Wellness Specialist

Tips for Starting out the New Year Strong

As we head into the new year, it is more important than ever to be thinking about New Year’s resolutions and how we can focus on ourselves. With the uncertainty of 2021 following the crazy year 2020, resolutions can be a great way to keep our focus on being our best selves. The new year allows for a great time to focus on self-care and wellness. Here are some tips to consider when creating your 2021 New Year’s resolutions:

  • Consider SMART goals when creating your resolution → SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Creating a plan that addresses each aspect of SMART will make a resolution that will be easier for you to achieve.

  • Get support → Share your goals with your family and friends. This creates a sense of accountability to encourage you to follow through with your goals. Do not be afraid to reach out for support.

  • Do not give up → If you find that the goal you set for yourself is not going the way you thought, alter the goal. Do not let yourself give up on the goal, but be open to change.

(Image found on Pinterest)

(Image found on Pinterest)

-Erin Michalcewiz, Wellness Specialist

ADPi Birthdays


Happy Birthday to our sisters with January birthdays!

Caitlin Iannetta — January 10th

Nicole Caiazzo — January 13th

Megan Spiotta — January 18th

Molly Barr — January 18th

Caroline McMahon — January 20th

Sophia Petrucci — January 22nd

Callie Luftig — January 24th

Jenna Weinkauf — January 28th

Quotes that "We Live For"

(Image found on Pinterest)

(Image found on Pinterest)

The Theta Delta sisters of Alpha Delta Pi resonate with this quote. It is essential to remind ourselves that every small victory counts, and over time they add up and lead to larger successes. There are many reasons why we should celebrate the little good things that occur in our lives. First, as well all know, things in life sometimes don’t always go as initially planned, and sometimes life throws unexpected curve balls at us. You probably have heard variations of the quote, “the journey is just as important as the final destination,” and this certainly holds in these types of circumstances. Even when things occur in our lives that we weren’t initially expecting, celebrating the small victories gives us the motivation to keep going and builds our confidence. Celebrating small achievements starts by being able to recognize them. They are different for every person and can include situations such as submitting your assignment on time, cooking a new dish, completing everything on your to-do list, or maybe even more simple as saying hello to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Once you recognize these small accomplishments, you should reward yourself. Small rewards such as doing a face mask, getting some ice cream, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show encourage you to keep going and working towards your larger goals. You should also communicate your small victories with your loved ones or others. Not only is this a way to celebrate what you have done, but it could motivate the people you are sharing it with as well.

Making a Change

Learn more about how Alpha Delta Pi contributes to making a change in our community, creating a safe and inclusive environment, and how you can get involved.


  • Alpha Delta Pi formed the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group in 2017 to develop education and resources and facilitated training for chapters and volunteers

  • Alpha Delta Pi’s membership policy was updated to include membership eligibility to individuals identifying as women, including trans women

  • Educational sessions held at Grand Convention

  • The launching of Talk About It Tuesdays (educational series for members to engage with one another on topics including diversity and inclusion)

  • Provided education and resources for members to understand the history of Alpha Delta Pi and how we can move forward to become a more inclusive organization

  • Developed a bias incident reporting form

  • Created affinity spaces on Facebook

  • A new plan to identify inclusivity as one of our organizational core values

  • To build diversity, equity, and inclusion philosophy statement

Theta Delta:

  • Introduced a Director of Inclusion position in our chapter officer structure

  • Civic Engagement and Voting Registration Workshop

  • Social Justice Workshops

  • Educational Movie Nights

Join in on our effort to make a change:

  • Educate yourself

    • Participate in the Talk About It Tuesdays webinar series

    • Read educational books

    • Watch educational films

  • Advocate for others

    • Holding others accountable for change

    • Be an active bystander

    • Have a conversation with others

  • Love and support each other