Wellness Tips from our Wellness Specialist

Tips for Starting out the New Year Strong

As we head into the new year, it is more important than ever to be thinking about New Year’s resolutions and how we can focus on ourselves. With the uncertainty of 2021 following the crazy year 2020, resolutions can be a great way to keep our focus on being our best selves. The new year allows for a great time to focus on self-care and wellness. Here are some tips to consider when creating your 2021 New Year’s resolutions:

  • Consider SMART goals when creating your resolution → SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Creating a plan that addresses each aspect of SMART will make a resolution that will be easier for you to achieve.

  • Get support → Share your goals with your family and friends. This creates a sense of accountability to encourage you to follow through with your goals. Do not be afraid to reach out for support.

  • Do not give up → If you find that the goal you set for yourself is not going the way you thought, alter the goal. Do not let yourself give up on the goal, but be open to change.

(Image found on Pinterest)

(Image found on Pinterest)

-Erin Michalcewiz, Wellness Specialist