ally ewing


“My name is Ally Ewing and I am a junior at the University of Delaware studying to earn my Bachelors of Science in Nursing.  Outside of ADPi, I serve as a Peer Mentor for freshman students for the university’s First Year Seminar Program, as well as am an active member of the Student Nursing Organization. I am thrilled for the opportunity to serve as the 2022 President for the Theta Delta chapter. I hope to give back to the chapter by helping it flourish in so many ways, as it as helped me do so as an individual during my time at UD. ADPi holds a special place in my heart because our genuine sisterhood has made a lasting impact on the empowered leader and woman I am today.”


Rho Gamma

Vice President of Operations

Julia Cipollini

Vice President of Membership Experience

“My name is Julia Cipollini and I am a Junior at the University of Delaware majoring and fashion merchandising with a double minor entrepreneurship and Business administration. Other then being involved in ADPi I am a blue hen ambassador and involved in UDRESS. I am so excited to be Theta Delta’s Vice President of Membership Experience for 2022. I hope to keep our sisterhood bond so close and show new alphas how much ADPi has to offer. I have met some of my best friends because of ADPi and truly have become who I am today because of all my amazing sisters!”

jacqui hauswirth

Vice President of Marketing

“My name is Jacqui Hauswirth and I am a junior at the University of Delaware. I am a Communications major with a concentration in Media and minors in Advertising and Spanish. Outside of my involvement in ADPi, I am a member of the Blue Hen Ambassadors Program and the Public Relations Students Society of America. I am elated to be the 2022 Vice President of Marketing for the Theta Delta chapter. I am eager to organize a successful recruitment and implement a strong marketing strategy for the chapter.”

Lara Bowers

Vice President of Event Management

“I am a sophomore at the University of Delaware majoring in nursing. Outside of ADPi, I am becoming a certified birth companion at ChristianaCare and I’m an active member of the Student Nurses Organization. I am thrilled to be the Vice President of Event Management and to organize all the fun events I look forward to all year. My love for ADPi is unconditional and I am so thankful our chapter has brought me some of my best friends. I look forward to working closely with exec and expanding my leadership skills, communication skills, and relationships with my sisters even further.”

julia forrest

Vice President of Finance

“My name is Julia Forrest and I am a junior here at the University of Delaware. I am a Finance major with minors in Economics and Spanish. Besides being a member of Alpha Delta Pi, I am also involved with a club dance team on campus, Impact Dance Company, and am a member of the College Diabetes Network. I am so excited to be the 2022 Vice President of Finance for Theta Delta and hope I can accomplish all my goals to best support our chapter. ADPi means so much to me, from leading me to strong women I call friends and completely transforming my college experience.”

Mackenzie Dabbs

Vice President of Member Development

“My name is Mackenzie Dabbs and I am a sophomore Nursing major at the University of Delaware. In addition to Alpha Delta Pi, I am a Peer Mentor for LEAP, a Blue Hen Ambassador, and part of the Blue Hen Leadership Program and the Student Nurses Organization. I am so excited for the opportunity to be the 2022 Vice President of Member Development for Theta Delta! Not only am I hopeful to lead by example, ensuring all members are upholding our chapter’s values, but I hope to really develop as a leader and gain new skills. ADPi has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and meet so many amazing women, and I am looking forward to continuing to do just that!”

Katie Morie

Director of Philanthropy

My name is Katie Morie and I am a junior Nursing major at the University of Delaware. Outside of Alpha Delta Pi, I am apart of our Student Nursing Organization. I am so excited to be the 2022 Director of Philanthropy for the Theta Delta chapter and support the Ronald McDonald House as well as UDance. I am ecstatic to be able to show my chapter my love for our incredible philanthropy and support such a great cause that helps so many families in need! ADPi has opened up so many opportunities for me that I never would have expected, and has allowed me to become a leader for an amazing group of women.” 

Georgia Weiner

Vice President of Panhellenic Relations

My name is Georgia Weiner and I am so excited to be Theta Delta’s Vice President of Panhellenic Relations! I am a junior working towards a bachelor’s degree in Animal Biosciences and a minor in Equine Science. In addition to ADPi, my extracurricular activities include the club equestrian team and animal science club. I am looking forward to representing our amazing chapter to the Panhellenic council and getting us involved in other chapter’s awesome philanthropy events! I love each and every one of my supportive sisters and I am so lucky to be a part of this incredible group of women.”