Quotes that "We Live For"

(Image found on Pinterest)

(Image found on Pinterest)

The Theta Delta sisters of Alpha Delta Pi resonate with this quote. It is essential to remind ourselves that every small victory counts, and over time they add up and lead to larger successes. There are many reasons why we should celebrate the little good things that occur in our lives. First, as well all know, things in life sometimes don’t always go as initially planned, and sometimes life throws unexpected curve balls at us. You probably have heard variations of the quote, “the journey is just as important as the final destination,” and this certainly holds in these types of circumstances. Even when things occur in our lives that we weren’t initially expecting, celebrating the small victories gives us the motivation to keep going and builds our confidence. Celebrating small achievements starts by being able to recognize them. They are different for every person and can include situations such as submitting your assignment on time, cooking a new dish, completing everything on your to-do list, or maybe even more simple as saying hello to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Once you recognize these small accomplishments, you should reward yourself. Small rewards such as doing a face mask, getting some ice cream, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show encourage you to keep going and working towards your larger goals. You should also communicate your small victories with your loved ones or others. Not only is this a way to celebrate what you have done, but it could motivate the people you are sharing it with as well.